My Story.

All my life, I've had this connection with animals. I remember being only 4 years old and telling my parents that I was going to be a veterinarian one day. I wanted to be there to help those animals that really needed a extra hand. As I grew older, after many attempts at convincing my mother to let us get a dog, she surprised us with one. I was 7 years old. Dead of winter, my parents took us to a farm in the middle of what felt like no where. My parents wanted us to go into the house first and there she was.. Sadie... aka Fluffy. She was my everything then. She grew up with me. She was there dancing to Barbie girl with me in my bedroom, she listened to my stories as I pushed her around in my baby doll stroller and was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Sadie had her own story. She was only a part of mine but I was her whole story. I will never forget her sweet face and the little walks she would take down the street to the corner bakery to have a cookie by herself. What a character she was.

After Sadie, it took me a long time before I could bring myself to have another pup. So, I started thinking about my future and decided to take a Animal Care program in college. It opened many doors for me. Out of college I worked in boarding facilities and as a vet assistant for many years. I've been able to see many different breeds and their personalities. I learned a lot about animal behaviour, breed confirmation, health and welfare. The breed that caught my heart was the Golden Retriever. Each one had their own cork but their beauty, even temper and quick-witted silly personalities was so undeniable. There wasn't one that Liam and I met that we didn't like. When our lives allowed us to, we knew the Golden Retriever was the breed for us. That's when we got Frank. His Family didn't work out due to no fault of his own and he was the last one to need a home. We saw a picture of him and we immediately knew he was going to be ours. We drove fairly far to meet him. Even though he was the last to go, we felt he truly picked us the moment he saw us. Frank is my heart dog. That dog that created a bond with me that I never knew I could have again. He completed our little family, he is the Frank to our cat Beans. He loves everyone and has a way with other dogs that always continues to amaze me. He changed my life and changed the path that I wanted to take going forward.

Then came Maple. The fire cracker that brought the joy and light back into our lives during such a dark time for everyone mid pandemic and through the death of my father. Not only have we bonded to them but Frank and Maple bonded together. Thus begins The Golden Story. We have created and continue to write our own story, now we get to write the beginning of so many new ones. With each puppy the story begins, with us, the parents we choose, the pregnancy, delivery and raising them the first 8 weeks of their lives. We get to shape them, bond with them, we will have happy moments and sad ones. Once they go home with each loving family, that's when their story continues. That little one will now change and grow together with you, you will have unforgettable moments and memories. Always remember, they may only be a part of your story but you will be their whole story.